Time for Spring Cleaning!
Donate your old bicycle to Boston Square Community Bikes.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Two Locations:
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Grand Rapids Christian Middle School
1650 Griggs SE, 49506
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Oakdale Neighbors
1260 Kalamazoo SE, 49507
–Mobile bike shop with free tune-ups
–Snacks and give-aways
–Clean out your garage
–Donate your bike to support our work:
• DIY community bike workspace
• [L]Earn-a-Bike classes
• Work-Trade for low income individuals
• Community bicycle events
Boston Square Community Bikes is a program of Oakdale Neighbors that is promoting sustainable transportation by helping you learn about bicycles and bike repair, providing space and tools for you to work on your bike, and refurbishing donated bicycles for sale.
More Information
Call: Tom Bulten at Oakdale Neighbors: 616.248.2848
Email: info@oakdaleneighbors.org
Web: www.bostonsquare.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BostonSquareCommunityBikes